Of all type of bitterns, Yellow Bittern is the smallest. They are solitary and feed on small fish, frogs and invertebrates.
Black–Crowned Night Heron
Nycticorax nycticorax
As it name implies, this type of hunch-postured Heron is mostly nocturnal. They feed along the edges of lakes or lagoons and roosts in trees near water.
Eastern Cattle Egret
Bubulcus coromandus
It is identified by its stocky shape and its habit of following cattles to feed on insects they flush up, thus the name Cattle Egret.
Intermediate Egret
Ardea Intermedia
Intermediate Egret is a medium-sized heron and prefers to hunt in freshwater. It eats small fishes and insects. This type of Egret has a shorter bills compared to Great Egret's.
Little Egret
Egretta garzetta
Little egrets are sociable birds and nest in colonies. They are the liveliest hunters among the egrets and heron. They feed on a wide variety of prey from fish, molluscs and worms to insects and even small mammals and bird.
Egret sp.
Egretta sp.
Common Moorhen
Gallinula chloropus
Their long toes allow them to easily walk on floating vegetation. Some of its foods include tadpoles, spiders, mosquitoes, insect larvae, fruits, and seeds.
Common Sandpiper
Actitis hypoleucos
Common Sandpiper can be seen in large-flocks. It feeds on insects and other small food items.
Whiskered Tern
Chlidonias hybrida
Whiskered Tern lives on shallow terrestrial freshwater wetlands, freshwater swamps, brackish and saline lakes, They eat mainly small fish, amphibians, crustaceans, insects and their larvae.
Zebra Dove
Geopelia striata
The Zebra Dove are terrestrial type of bird and non-migrant. It feeds on small grass and weed seeds.
Philippine Coucal
Centropus viridis
It usually feeds on or near the ground and eats insects, including beetles and caterpillars.
Swiftlet sp. Apodidae sp.
White-Throated Kingfisher
Halcyon smyrnensis
White-throated Kingfisher is a common species of a variety of habitats, mostly open country in the plains with trees, wires or other perches. This species mainly hunts large crustaceans, insects, earthworms, rodents, snakes, fish and frogs.
Collared Kingfisher
Todiramphus chloris
Collared Kingfishers thrive mainly in coastal areas such as in mangroves and swamps although they can also be seen on farmlands, grasslands and open woodlands. They feed on fish, worms and insects.
Common Kingfisher
Alcedo atthis
They live on and act as an indicator of a freshwater community health. Their diet includes fish, aquatic vertebrates and amphibians.
Blue-tailed Bee-eater
Merops philippinus
Blue-tailed Bee-eater is commonly found in tall trees and mangroves.
Coppersmith Barbet
Megalaima haemacephala
Coppersmith Barbet is a seed-dispersal bird in the tropical forests because they feed mainly on fruits and some insects.
Philippine Pygmy Woodpecker
Dendrocopos maculatus
It is endemic and common to the Philippines and is also known as the Smallest Philippine Woodpecker. Insects serve as its staple food.
Golden-bellied Gerygone
Gerygone sulphurea sulphurea
Golden-bellied Gerygone are largely insectivorous.
White-breasted Woodswallow
Artamus leucorynchus
White-breasted Woodswallow is a nomadic-type of bird. They main diet is insects and sometimes to feed on nectar when insect prey is scarce.
Brown Shrike
Lanius cristatus
Brown Shrikes are migratory birds. Their diet includes insects and small birds.
Long-tailed Shrike
Lanius schach
It is found mainly in scrub and open habitats. They eat insects, fishes and snakes, sometimes.
Black-naped Oriole
Oriolus chinensis
The habitat of Black-naped Oriole includes forests and gardens. They feed on fruits, small insects and nestlings.
Philippine Pied Fantail
Rhipidura nigritorquis
This type of bird lives on tropical lowland forests. It also form colony with Eurasian Tree Sparrows and Chestnut Munias.
Large-billed Crow
Corvus macrorhynchos
Its natural habitat includes woodland, garden and park. They are sociable birds and are usually seen in groups.
Yellow-vented Bulbul
Pycnonotus goiavier
It is found in a wide variety of open habitats, but not deep forest. They appear to be nomadic, roaming from place to place regularly. The yellow-vented bulbuls eat berries and small fruits. They also sip nectar, nibble on young shoots, and take some insects.
Barn Swallow
Hirundo rustica
Barn Swallows are often regarded as Heralds of Spring. They can drink, bath and eat while flying.
Pacific Swallow
Hirundo tahitica javanica
Pacific swallows have a wide range of habitat that is near in water and open areas. Their main diet is insects.
Striated Swallow
Cecropis striolata
Striated Swallows are found in open areas and are largely insectivorous.
Clamorous Reed Warbler
Acrocephalus stentoreus
Clamorous Reed-Warbler usually thrives on reeds, trees and bushes. They are largely insectivorous.
Striated Grassbird
Megalurus palustris
Striated Grassbird forages on open marshlands and wet grasslands. They are usually solitary and feed on small invertebrates and insects.
Lowland White-eye
Zosterops meyeni
This type of bird has a wide range of habitats, from forests to open areas. They move in groups and mixed flocks.
Crested Myna
Acridotheres cristatellus
A group of Myna is called "local" and "statutory" of Mynas.
Olive-backed Sunbird
Cinnyris jugularis
Olive-backed Sunbirds depends on nectars and insects. They are usually found near to human houses.
Eurasian Tree Sparrow
Passer montanus
Eurasian Tree Sparrows lives on temperate areas and are mainly seeds and grains eater.
Chestnut Munia
Lonchura atricapilla
Chestnut Munia was the National Bird of the Philippines until 1995. It eats grains and seeds.
Eastern Yellow Wagtail
Motacilla tschutschensis
They live on marshy areas and are largely insectivorous.
Cinnamon Bittern
Ixobrychus cinnamomeus
Cinnamon Bitterns live on freshwater wetlands and favors small fishes and frogs. They are solitary and an evening hunter.
Western Osprey
Pandion haliaetus
Ospreys live near water habitats and prefer to dive into water to catch their fish preys alive.
Barred Rail
Gallirallus torquatus
Barred Rail often lives on grasslands and fields.
White-breasted Waterhen
Amaurornis phoenicurus
White-breasted Waterhen thrives on marshes and plains. Their diet includes seeds, insects and animals.
Red Collared-Dove
Streptopelia tranquebarica
Savanna Nightjar
Caprimulgus affinis
Savanna Nightjars are insectivorous and their natural habitat are grasslands and woodlands.
Glossy Swiftlet
Collocalia esculenta
This type of bird prefers to nest on caves and buildings.
Rufous-crowned Bee-eater
Merops americanus
It inhabits open areas near forests but they are rare in captivity.
Pied Triller
Lalage nigra
Pied Trillers favor insects and are resident in the Philippines.
Philippine Bulbul
Hypsipetes philippinus
Philippine Bulbul is endemic in the Philippines and inhabits tropical moist lowland. It feeds on fruits and some insects.
Oriental Reed-Warbler
Acrocephalus orientalis
It inhabits reed beds and marshes and favors insects and arachnids.
Golden-headed Cisticola
Cisticola exilis
This type of bird eats insects and invertebrates and their natural habitat is grasslands in savanna and woodland.
Pied Bush Chat
Saxicola caprata
Pied Bush Chats builds nest on stone walls and are often found in open areas such as grasslands and cultivations.